Geoffroy Delorme
Sept ans de vie sauvage.
À la fin de l'adolescence, Geoffroy Delorme s'est réfugié dans la forêt. Pendant sept ans, il n'a eu ni tente ni abri, pas même un sac de couchage.
Pour survivre, il suit l'exemple des chevreuils. Il adopte leurs comportements, apprend à se nourrir, à dormir et à se protéger comme eux. Il acquiert une connaissance unique des chevreuils et de leur mode de vie ; il les observe, les nomme, les photographie et communique avec eux. Il apprend à partager leurs joies, leurs peines et leurs peurs.
Aujourd'hui, il raconte. -
This extraordinary book tells the story of Geoffroy Delorme, an accomplished photographer, lecturer and nature lover, who, recalling a chance meeting with a young roe deer in his youth, decides to change his life. He casts his metropolitan world behind and relocates to the sumptuous national forest of Louviers, Normandy to live with the deer and immerse himself in the wilderness for seven years.
Alone in the forest with no tent, no shelter and not even a sleeping bag or blanket is an exercise in pure survival, and so Geoffroy follows the deer''s behaviour closely. He adapts to their way of life, learns to eat and sleep among them, and acquires a unique understanding of these extraordinary creatures. Over time he befriends the deer and becomes part of a wild animal family with which he shares moments of joy, sorrow and even fear.
Deer Man is a fascinating and spellbinding account of the ancient quest to reconnect with the natural world.